Buzz and excitement was in the air for months, culminating in the constant rhythm of helicopters, planes and boats arriving from all over the world to celebrate the #18and50ShadesofPink birthdays of glamorous Carol Asscher and dashing young Nicholas in idyllic St. Tropez. The warm breeze of the Cote d’Azur sweeps across your skin, sighing softly as a silk scarf. Chiming peels of laughter and joyous multilingual “hellos” and kisses punctuated every turn as dear friends embraced and greeted each other.

The glow of the sunset sky set off the theme of the first night of Welcome to Saint Tropez. We were welcomed with a delicious Red & White Tropezien beach party confection of fun on Moorea Plage. We glided to each other clicking glasses of champagne for friends arriving from Greece, Turkey, Bali, London, New York, Monaco, Hong Kong, Geneva and Italy.

We all gravitated to beautiful Carol to steal a hello kiss before she flitted off to beam her smile at each one of her guests fluttering their red fans. The rising full moon seemed to be shining even brighter, casting a spotlight on the birthday goddess Carol. I turned to the glimmering sea to take a breath and saw 18 year old beaming Nicholas laughing merrily with his friends, many of whom flew in from around the world to celebrate with him. They were children before and now they are the beautiful new generation.

As the sensual glow of the dusk evening gently descended upon us, the lights on the stage grew bright. An elegant man dressed in white and an insouciant red vest with sunglasses sauntered to the microphone. When the first notes ascended the air, it was none other than the stellar Andreas Bocelli filling the moonlit night with the magic of his voice.

Carol and Nicholas joined him on stage with friends cheering this amazing moment of celebration. We were transported to another level of sublime excitement blessed by beauty, talent, and feeling the warmth of friendship surrounding us. Bravo Carol, Andreas and Nicholas!
As the afternoon sun rose in the sky, the next day we rolled out of bed for our late lunches along the beach at Bagatelle or 55 gaining sustenance for the night ahead.

50 shades of fantastic pink gowns and black tie were the order of the night as we walked the shocking pink carpet at Las Palmas, greeted by fantasy costumed dancers under the arc of roses. We fluttered our pink fans while sipping champagne and posing for pictures under the glitter balls.

The night could not be more perfect as the twilight sky also reflected the pink setting sun and pale blue of the ocean. Carol looked stunning in her pink sequin gown flowing and her hair coiffed in blond cascading waves. The London, New York and Monaco girls posed with roses in the backdrop against the sea sky then swished our sequined trains to ascend to the dinner. We passed through corridors of white orchids and silver dancers.

Thousands of roses in hues of pink and white arched above us, the open air festive expanse punctuated by thousands of roses and orchids. Every detail reflected Carol and the beauty of music, flowers, light and daring drama which she loves around her. The aesthetic dreams of Carol’s spectacular birthday weekend was lovingly realized with the brilliance of beautiful Christina Montori Mandelli of the Endo Group, you could see Carol’s touch in every detail.

Musicians greeted us with festive music as we were brought to our tables overflowing with exquisite flowers and crystal. At our crazy American table we hopped up and down greeting friends, posing, dancing and laughing.

The entertainers came out in a fierce show performing along the long runway perched in the centre of the room. Dancers in spangles, feathers and fringe. Victoria Secret models prancing in feathered wings to the delight of Nicholas. Giant birthday cakes rolled on the stage revealing dancers.

Whirling and twirling roller skaters keep our eyes spinning. The crowd of friends went wild when stunning Carol and handsome Nicholas came down the runway dancing. It was a wonderful mix of the generations all filled with love and fun as we were invited to jump up on the runway and festively dance and sway.

Fireworks were set off in the clear starry sky. It was explosions of beauty, glamour, excitement, joy, celebration and years of friendship and family.

Awe filled the air, constant moments of astonishment culminating in a magnificent firework display! Then the fireworks continued with the Le Cave DJ who had everyone dancing with abandon, hands up in the air, jumping to the beat.

High heels were kicked off, black ties went missing and part of the runway became an all night into morning bar. We all danced until we could dance no more at dawn but never stopped laughing.

As the warm morning sun rose in the sky, we all came to lunch at Nikki Beach the next day to recuperate, or so we thought. Guests dressed in summer white hiding behind dark sunglasses with big smiles on their faces.

Again, God blessed Carol with a perfect blue sky. Delicious food and bottles of rose had everyone energized again. The music began to blast as the sax player took to the stage, and in St. Tropez style we took to dancing on the tables. Carol twirled on one table, then Nicholas and Alfie jumped on another.

We were clapping and shouting, cameras came out to capture the moment. More rose glasses clinked and pictures snapped a wave of friends swayed to the music on table tops and chairs and we all felt the love in the air.

Carol brought us all together for her and Nicholas’s birthdays sharing their joy, blessing and friendship with their dear friends from so many nations.

Carol, we will never forget the magic you created and thank you for the joy and love you give us. On our journeys back home we brought back that love which will always make our hearts glow with thoughts of you. Love, laughter and friendship forever!